sâmbătă, 24 martie 2012

Species of lilies

Plants in the Liliales grow from bulbs or corms, both of which will store food over the winter or during the dry season. Unlike other Liliales, these vines produce their flowers in spherical clusters called Umbels, as in Bomarea.

True Lilies are composed of fleshy scales without a protective outer coating. True Lilies are never dormant.

There are numerous Lily varieties. But among the Lily varieties, only groups like the Asiatics and the Orientals are the most popular flowers and are widely grown.

- Asiatic Lilies - small flowers, less fragrant, wide colors
- Trumpet/Aurelian Lilies
- Oriental Lilies - Have strong fragrances, few colors, larger flowers
- The Wild Lilies
- Martagon hybrid Lilies - Edible and Esculent herbs
- Candidum hybrid Lilies
- American hybrid Lilies
- Longiflorum hybrid Lilies - strong, sweet fragrance, large funnel shaped flowers, usually white.

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